
This function updates details for a specified user identified by the userid. The XML response will contain the updated user details. You should pass at least one parameter to be updated (firstname, lastname, email or roleid). You may also pass multiple parameters at once to update multiple user details in one function call. Any parameters which aren't passed will remain unmodified.

Note: usernames may not be updated.

string api_key (required) your api key
string userid (required)
The userid of the user whose details will be edited/updated.
string firstname (optional)
The user's first name. May be empty.
string lastname (optional)
The user's last name. May be empty.
string email (optional)
The user's email address. May be empty.
integer roleid (optional)
The user's role. Default value: 10

Valid values:
100 = Admin
50 = Moderator
40 = Participant
30 = Participant
10 = Participant
(more information on roles)

If in doubt pass roleid 50 in order to give the user access to all controls. Note that rooms with autopromote turned on will promote all users to roleid 50.
string skypename (optional)
The user's Skype username. Setting this property to a valid Skype username will show a Skype icon next to the user's name once logged on to a Scribblar room. Other users can click the icon to call the user on Skype.
string avatar

A public URL pointing to the user's avatar (profile image). This image will show in the userlist. If left empty the default generic user graphic is shown.
Acceptable image formats are jpg, gif and png.
The size of the image should be 22x22 pixels.

Sample return XML
(this returns the updated user details)

Error Codes
You may also receive one of the following error codes. This may happen for example if you try and update a user's emailaddress to one which is already assigned to another user.

400 Generic error, check message for details
500 Internal server error, we have been notified and will investigate
616 User with that email address already exists
628 Invalid email address

If the email address is already taken:

If an invalid userid is passed:

If no updateable parameter is passed (for example you only pass api_key and userid but none of the other parameters):