
This function retrieves a list of all assets for specified roomid.

string api_key (required) your api key
string roomid (required) the roomid of the room for which to fetch the assets list for

Sample return XML

Result explanation
string assetid Globally unique identifier for this asset
string roomid The room associated with this asset
string userid The userid of the user that uploaded or generated this image.
May be 0 for anonymous users or API uploads.
string uploadtype Type of image. Valid values:
datetime added Date and time of when this asset was created or uploaded
string path Specifies the actual file name on disk on the Scribblar system
string clientfilename This is the name of the file as it originated before being uploaded. This defaults to 'URL Snapshot' for website snapshots and 'Snapshot' for normal whiteboard snapshots. The default for images added via the API is 'Image'.
integer allowdownload Signals if a file in the assetslist shows a download button for easy downloading.
1=download enabled
0=download disabled
integer width The width of the image in pixels.
integer height The height of the image in pixels.
string url The public URL of the asset.

Error Response
If the function call does not succeed it returns the following error response.

An example of an error response would be the following