
Use this function to update specific account details. The XML response will contain the updated account details. You should pass at least one parameter to be updated (logo_url,logo_clickurl, support_mail, gradient_from, gradient_to). You may also pass multiple parameters at once to update multiple account details in one function call. Any parameters which aren't passed will remain unmodified.

An example call using GET to update the gradient_from property to white (FFFFFF) would be:

string api_key (required) your api key
string logo_url (optional)
The URL of a logo image to be displayed in all your rooms. This image should be no wider than 260 pixels and no higher than 70 pixels. Supported image formats are .jpg, .gif and .png
string logo_clickurl (optional)
The URL of a web page that opens when the logo inside a room is clicked on.
string support_mail (optional)
The email address a user can contact for support. Some room dialogues may display this email address.
string gradient_from (optional)
A color value in HEX format (# sign needs to be omitted) for the room's background gradient color. This value specifies the top color of the gradient.
integer gradient_to (optional)
A color value in HEX format (# sign needs to be omitted) for the room's background gradient color. This value specifies the bottom color of the gradient.

Sample return XML
(this returns the updated account details)

If no updateable parameter is passed (for example you only pass api_key none of the other parameters):